Our Podcast

Welcome to “Detours,” a captivating podcast that explores the unexpected turns, detours, and redirections that occur in our lives and how they fit into God’s grand plan. Join us as we embark on a journey of faith, resilience, and purpose, where we dive deep into the stories of individuals who have experienced profound detours and discovered divine meaning in their life’s journey.

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Our Latest Book

Unveil the Path to Healing
In life’s journey, detours often lead us to unexpected places, challenging our plans and reshaping our perspectives. “Detours: Finding Strength After the Loss of Your Child” is a beacon of hope for those navigating the unimaginable terrain of grief.

Experience the Journey
Join author Steve Snyder on an intimate odyssey through heartbreak and resilience. With eloquence and raw honesty, Steve shares the deeply personal story of losing their child to a congenital heart disease. From the crushing blow of loss to the slow, arduous steps toward healing, this narrative offers solace and solidarity to grieving parents everywhere.

Navigate the Emotions
In these pages, you’ll encounter many emotions—the overwhelming grief, the profound sadness, the unyielding anger. But amidst the darkness, there is light. Detours illuminates the transformative power of love, faith, and community, guiding readers toward a place of peace and acceptance.

Discover the Lessons
Through poignant reflections and insightful anecdotes, Steve imparts invaluable wisdom gleaned from their loss journey. Learn how to navigate the complexities of grief, make peace with the past, and embrace the beauty of life’s unexpected detours.

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